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Monday, 10 November 2014

1b: Food photography shoots

Lunch Shoot:

This was my first shoot I was told to complete a series of five images that I ate for lunch each day. To do this I felt thinking of composition and creativity is very important, as I was only trying to get five images out of it. I think this was a good experimental shoot for me to learn the different techniques to use in this food photography project. I think with these images I should have thought more about composition as in many of the photo's I have unwanted things in the background. 

Metering mode shoot:  

The next shoot that I completed was based on using a light box, natural light and photographing at night. I completing these shoots using different metering modes for each composition; spot metering, partial metering, centre metering and evaluative metering.

Spot metering only measures the intensity of light over a small circled area in the centre of the view finder.

Partial metering measures the intensity of light over an increased circled area as opposed to spot metering

Centre-weighted average metering measures light across the whole image area usually focused in the centre of the veiwfinder.

Evaluative metering is the default metering mode on many cameras, it measures light across the whole frame.

Through completing these shoots I have found them extremely useful as I am now experimenting with using different metering modes, and have become comfortable using a light box to create an interesting image. 

Contact Sheets

 I found my light box shoot to be the one with the most interesting results and outcomes, before this shoot I had never used a light box in any of my photographic work other than to view negatives. I think because this was a new method of photography I was just learning the different techniques I could use with it. I have learnt that the light box is great with creating dramatic shadows and silhouettes. I will definitely use the lightbox in future projects. 

Natural Lighting:

Using natural lighting with food photography I have decided to work with different apertures purely focusing of the subject as opposed to the image as a whole. I found this technique successful, although I think if I were to complete this shoot again I would branch out to different naturally lit locations. 

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