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Friday, 7 November 2014

Food Photography First Shoot Plan

Food Photography First Shoot Plan

My shoot could be taken at any point during the day as my location (coffee shop) will always have artificial light therefore my time frame is extremely flexible. I have decided to complete this shoot as early as possible so in the case that something does go wrong or I want to redo some shots it will be possible to get them shot in time for my 

For my first shoot I have decided to take photographs in a coffee shop location (in which I have received permission) This shoot will take place during the day although I may complete another shoot when it is dark to see what kind of effect I can get. In this shoot I will be focusing on the subject (the coffee) blurring out the background. As this shoot will be taken in a public setting I think that blurring out everything but the subject will help with the atmosphere that I think will help in creating a commercial poster/image. 

As I am taking these photographs in a copyrighted business I will ensure to keep all logos or names of the company out of my images.  

This shoot will be taken based on location, the location being a coffee shop. As my subject is coffee I think that it would make a more natural image being in its natural setting. 

The lighting in my images will be from artificial lighting already available to me. Although the light in a coffee shop is homely and almost dim, to help create an inviting atmosphere I think will work well on a commercial poster. 

Regarding props I will have only my subject the coffee other than my camera, spare batteries and memory card.

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